Thursday 10 January 2013


Question 2)

Question 3)

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
My audience feedback about my documentary was pretty positive, I have found out that it looks quite professional with the techniques I have used and footage I have included. The audience specially like few bits like music at the beginning of the documentary which was about which was about addiction which they have found really interesting that it links in with the theme of my documentary so that has impressed them, another thing they thought was good about documentary was the part with the interviews about smoking and fast food, they found it really interesting but also the setting of recording with the white background and rule of thirds.
Things they didn't really like about my documentary was the ending bit of the documentary which was the bit with the beauty expert talking about beauty products, they said it would be more interesting to watch if the last interview was cut into smaller pieces rather than just one long one which made it boring and therefore they would rather change the channel if they were watching it on TV. Another thing that was said which wasn't good was lighting because it was too light so they would prefer it if it was a bit dimmer. Overall they said it was pretty good but it would have been better if I have changed few bits like, lightning, length of last interview and also it could use a bit more editing.
After looking at my audience response, thing I would change length of last interview, I would cut into smaller bits so that it would look more interesting and prevent the documentary from looking boring but also I would probably try to get more interviews and also more B-roll footage to boost my documentary and make it look more professional. Another thing I would change about my documentary to improve it and make it better would be make the lightning of the interviews  and make the light a bit dimmer which would improve it as my audience mentioned that it needs to be a bit more dimmer, last thing that I would about my documentary would be that I would try to edit it a bit better and cut out any bits that make it look boring and also edit some interviews and their length.


Formal Proposal

Dear Sir/Madam we wish to film a documentary and broadcast it with the help of Channel 4. The topic of our documentary is everyday addictions. Such as; fast food, beauty, alcohol, tobacco & social networking.  Why people get addicted to these things and how it affects their everyday life, or even if they realize they have an addiction unless someone points it out to them. By researching these subjects we wish to discover the impact it has on individuals and on a demographic scale, and also from the huge corporations point of view and find out some statistical information and just how much they make from providing these products and services. We will conduct our research with specialists, experts and professionals in the respected subjects; fast food, beauty and so on. This way our research is very likely to be accurate and reliable.

Our documentary is a Fly on the Wall type documentary. The style of our documentary will be informal with plenty of statistics and facts. We also hope to add a shock factor which will intrigue our audience and make them realize the meaning of our documentary on a wider scale.

 Our target audience is really wide range of people from anyone over 16 and above. We feel the high majority of the general public will be able to relate to the topic of documentary. Everyone must have an addiction of some kind or other?
The channel that we have chosen our documentary to be broadcast on is Channel4 at 21:00pm on Thursday 16th of December. We chose this channel and time because with our primary research we found that our target audience watch Channel4 around this time. We are hoping with our scheduling plans to inherit the audience from 4thought.

The resource that we will use to film our documentary is a good quality Sony HXR – MC2000 full 1080p HD camera. This will shoot the footage that we will edit together and if we have a high quality camera our documentary will look more professional. We will also use a microphone that the interviewee will wear on their clothing so that the camera will be able to pick up their answers more efficiently without picking up much excess background noise. Without the use this microphone it may become very hard for the interviewee to be heard during the documentary. We will also get hold of a tripod. This will help keep the camera steady when we are shooting footage and will prevent any shakiness that we will get if we hand held the camera. The last thing that we will use is Adobe Premiere. This is the programme that we are going to be using to edit our footage. By making use of all the tools that are on this programme we should be able to put together a very professional looking documentary.

Edit Decision List


Photos of Group Filming