Wednesday 9 January 2013

The Iceman Confessions Of A Mafia Hitman



  •  Mid shot of the “iceman” while he is being interviewed  to show the audience how he looks  like
  •  Close up on the iceman’s weapons to show the audience what kind of weapons he has used when he killed his victims
  •  Close up on the attorney general while is talking about the iceman and describing him, this been used to make the audience listen closely to memorise what kind of person iceman is
  •  Zoom in on the poison that the iceman has used to poison and kill his victims, this has been used to show the audience how serious this murder was when it comes to killing people
  • Mid shot of doctor being interviewed while he is talking about how smart the iceman was with poisons and knew how to kill people quick and easy


  • Use of crosscutting between A/B roll, while the iceman is being interview there is picture shown of the guns and knife he has used to murder people
  • Jump cut when there is a footage of poison being shown and then the shot jumps straight to the iceman’s face, this has been used to attract the audience’s attention and remind them who has done the damage to other innocent people
  • Cross cutting has been used when the iceman is talking about how he killed people with poison and then straight away there comes the footage of how he was doing it while he is describing what and where he has done it
  • Establishing shots when “the iceman” is being interviewed to make the documentary look more interesting
       Mise en scene

  •    The guns that iceman has used to kill others have been shown to let the audience see what he has been using to kill people
  •      Poison iceman has used to kill people has also been shown to let people see in what ways and how far he would go to kill people
  •      Archive footage and picture has been used to let the audience see what he was really like and capable of doing
  •       Iceman being interviewed in dark grey room because he is a prisoner and dark grey links with prison
  •       Policeman was being interviewed in court room which links together because police is there to protect public and the law as well so the background matches with the police man 
  •      Criminal
  •      Mass murderer
  •      Mafia hitman
  •    Non-diagetic sound is playing while there's loads of archive footage being shown
  •     Foley effects have been used when there was a shot of car being crushed
  •      Driven by narrator  ( Voice of God )

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